Chinese call center gang arrested in Mae Hong Son.

A Chinese call center gang has been arrested in Mae Hong Son Province. The gang has been renting a local

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Elephant enters kitchen during the night.

An elephant visits a kitchen during the night. The owner reveals this is not the first time this specific elephant

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Boy takes 8 sleeping pills after doctor prescribed to wrong patient.

A 35-year-old mother shared her experience after her 10-year-old son took 8 sleeping pills and ended up sleeping for a

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Grandpa goes to police station after “bad haircut”.

A grandpa traveled to the police station and wanted to file a report with the police after he received a

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Hundreds of cats found after villagers complain of smelly home.

Villagers made complaints of odor pollution coming from 3 homes in the village. Officials went to insect the homes and

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45 python snake eggs found under home.

45 python snake eggs have been found underneath a home; the owners believe it is a sign of good luck.

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Taxi driver attacked woman standing at bus stop.

A taxi driver attacked a woman who was standing at the bus stop. He pulled off her mask and threatened

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