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A list of 11 vaccines and their prices at private & public hospitals.

This list was gathered by Mthai with details of 11 vaccines that you can get here in Thailand along with a comparison of their prices at private and public hospitals.



Vaccines are used to prepare the body’s immune system with the ability to defend against diseases. It does this by tricking the body into believing that the specific disease is already in the body. This gives the immune system the ability to fight that pathogen’s in the case that they do enter the body, to protect against sickness from the virus, bacterium, and microbes.


Chickenpox Vaccine

This vaccine protects the vaccine receiver from getting sick from chickenpox. The vaccine carries a week virus that causes the chickenpox called varicella-zoster. The chickenpox vaccine is often given to young infants and children and to those with high risks of catching it such as a pregnant woman. The vaccine normally requires two shots to complete with a time space of 4 weeks in between.


Chickenpox vaccine at a Public hospital can range from 800 – 1,000 THB

Chickenpox vaccine at a Private hospital can range from 1,300 – 2,000 THB


HPV Vaccine

This is a vaccine that protects the infection of human papillomaviruses with a total of over 200 viruses falling in this group. The viruses can cause many kinds of sickness including cancer. There are 2 main types of HPV vaccines in Thailand, all require 3 shots in 3 different months.


HPV vaccine at a Public hospital is about 2,000 per shot (3=6,000) THB

HPV vaccine at a Private hospital is about 3,000 per shot (3=9,000) THB


MMR Vaccine

The MMR Vaccine is short for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccination. This type of vaccine is recommended to be given only to those who have been sick with these diseases before or to those who did not complete the shots required.


MMR vaccine at a Public hospital can range from 300 – 700 THB

MMR vaccine at a Private hospital can range from 500 – 1,200 THB


Tdap Vaccine

The Tdap vaccine is short for Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis. There is a total of 3 shots required to complete, the second shot is given 1 to 2 months after the first shot, and the last shot is given 6 to 12 months after the second shot.


Tdap vaccine at a Public hospital is at 700 THB

Tdap vaccine at a Private hospital is at 1,000 THB


Influenza Vaccine

This vaccine is recommended to get every year, especially with seniors aged 65+.


Influenza vaccine at a Public hospital can range from 500 – 600 THB

Influenza vaccine at a Private hospital can range from 400 –  1,500 THB


Hepatitis A Vaccine

The Hepatitis A virus is extremely easy to catch through food and water. Those receiving the vaccine should have never been affected by the virus before. Persons with higher risks are recommended to receive the vaccine such as drug users.


Hepatitis A vaccine at a Public hospital is at 1,800 THB

Hepatitis A vaccine at a Private hospital is at 2,000 THB


Hepatitis B Vaccine

The Hepatitis B virus is extremely easy to catch through food and water. Those receiving the vaccine should have never been affected by the virus before. Persons with higher risks are recommended to receive the vaccine such as drug users. This vaccine requires 3 shots to complete.


Hepatitis B vaccine at a Public hospital can range from 300 – 500 THB per shot.

Hepatitis B vaccine at a Private hospital can range from 600 – 1,200 THB per shot.



Live Zoster (Shingles) Vaccine

The Shingles vaccine is recommended to those who are over 50 years of age, due to a weaker immune system. It does not matter if the person receiving the vaccine has had chickenpox or live zoster in the past.


Live Zoster (Shingles) at a Public hospital is at 4,800 THB

Live Zoster (Shingles) at a Private hospital can range from 5,000 – 6,000 THB


Pneumococcal Vaccine

This vaccine is recommended for those over the age of 65 years of age or to adults with heart disease, breathing system related diseases, liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes patients, and to regular smokers.


Pneumococcal vaccine at a Public hospital is at 2,000 THB

Pneumococcal vaccine at a Private hospital can range from 3,000 – 5,000 THB


Rabies Vaccine

This is one of the most important vaccines in existence as Rabies will result in death. It is recommended to get the shot before coming in contact with an infected animal. The vaccine requires 3 shots to complete, if you happen to come in contact with an infected animal then 1 shot will be required if bitten.


Rabies vaccine at a Public hospital can range from 300 – 500 THB per shot.

Rabies vaccine at a Private hospital can range from 700 – 900 THB per shot.


Dengue Vaccine

The Dengue vaccine is recommended for those between 9 to 45 years old. It is one of the most common diseases in Thailand carried by mosquitoes. The main reason that the vaccine is not so popular in Thailand although the sickness is common is due to the price of the vaccine. The vaccine requires 3 shots to complete.


Dengue vaccine at a Public hospital is at 2,000 (3=6,000) THB per shot.

Dengue vaccine at a Private hospital is at 3,000 (3=9000) THB per shot.


FB Caption: This article will provide you with information on vaccines available in Thailand along with the price to expect at different hospitals.


Source: Health Mthai team
