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Rayong locals affected by Egyptian Soldiers with Covid-19.

Rayong locals have been extremely affected by the Egyptian Soldier’s case with Covid-19. They have been looking forward to the upcoming national holiday believing to finally make some money from tourism. As a result, the local economy in Rayong Province has taken a fall again. Egyptian soldiers traveled into Thailand and stayed in a famous hotel. Instead of following quarantine guidelines one of the soldiers went to a mall in Rayong. After news came out, 11 schools in Rayong are now closed. 


Credit: Khaosod


Rayong locals are living in fear worried about a 2nd Covid wave. After the lockdown regulations were eased by the government local tourists took a break by visiting provinces across Thailand, Rayong being one of the popular tourist destinations. The tourism industry in Rayong started to return after long months of no business at all. The Egyptian soldier case has ruined the growth opportunity for tourism in Rayong for now. Businesses have been looking forward to the holiday on 25-28 July but those expectations have been destroyed. 


Credit: Khaosod


One business owner in Rayong stated on Facebook “I’m one of the business owners here in Rayong. I was happy about the upcoming holiday, although its raining season there should be a lot of customers. People should be coming in to relax after the lockdown. Then like lightning, all that we’ve done including wearing masks, checking in to everywhere we go, quarantines, paying employees although there is no money, this has all crashed down”. 


Officials have been reminding the people to keep on practicing social distancing and to wear masks whenever leaving the house. People in Thailand have been taking all safety precautions necessary and as required by the government. Then a group of people who receive special exemptions heavily affect the Covid-19 situation in Thailand, even worse they have already left the country. 


Credit: Khaosod


FB Caption:  People in Thailand have been taking all safety precautions necessary and as required by the government. 


Source: Khaosod
