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10m meth pills seized in Sukhothai

A LARGE haul of 10 million methamphetamine pills was seized in central Sukhothai city after police managed to stop 1 of 2 vehicles smuggling the drug to adjacent Ayutthaya province, INN News reported today (Oct 17, 2018).

Deputy National Police Chief Pol Gen Chalermkiat Srivorakarn and other senior police officers announced the arrest Mr Yasinthorn Manitkriengkrai, 21, after a police team managed to stop the truck he was driving at the Sukhothai bypass road.

Police had been tipped off that a group of hill tribesmen in western Tak province were going move a large amount of drugs, so kept a close watch. Upon spotting these 2 vehicles driving close to each other for a distance of 10 kilometers, they moved in to stop them but only managed to halt one with the other getting away.

The suspect confessed he and his boss, Mr Voraphon Saema , were hired by a drug financier to move the narcotic consignment from Chiang Rai to Ayutthaya to hand it over to a client.


Top: The large amount of meth pills seized on display. Photo: INN News

