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Brit Grand Prix racer slams footpath motorcyclists

MAKING the rounds on Thai social media today (Oct 9, 2018) is a video clip showing famous British Grand Prix motorcycle racer Scott Redding slamming Thai motorcyclists for being negligent after he and his friends had to dodge some of them for safety as they walked down a Bangkok footpath, the Thai-langauge daily Matichon reported.

Facebook user Thanachaiwat Kaveevathit posted the video clip in which the youngest rider in Grand Prix motorcycle racing to win a race said that the traffic in Bangkok is jammed but this does not seem to be a problem as motorcyclists just zip down the footpath, but it is a footpath not a road.


Top: Grand Prix racer Scott Redding carefully walking down a Bangkok footpath as motorcyclists race past him and his friends. Photo: Matichon
