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Drunk man brings dog back home from restaurant.

A drunk man carried a dog from the BBQ buffet restaurant back home. The man woke up while hugging the dog and had no clue where it came from. The dog was the only dog with no owner at the restaurant. After the story went viral people advised the man to adopt the dog, the plan worked and the dog is now living in its new home. Facebook User Yutthaphum Kaewkhem Posted online a video showing the man talking to a dog and taking it home. The video went viral almost instantly as it showed the cute dog letting the man carry it without complaining. The man was shocked when he woke up with his arms around the dog in bed. 


Credit: Sanook


Latest update on 5 October 2020 the Facebook user posted an update that stated “It has come so far it’s best if you come live with us, what’s your name?” along with pictures of the cute dog with its new owner in front of the restaurant. Yutthaphum then revealed a video of the first day living together with the dog. The owner stated “I usually wake up at noon on my days off from work, well now I don’t want the dog to be hungry so I wake up early. It’s amazing because she waits in front of the bathroom door for me and knows how to use the stairs. On the first night, I plugged in a fan for her to sleep downstairs because she hasn’t showered. She has never barked and always waits for me to open the door for her to go outside. Best of all she turns the fan off when I come downstairs”. 


The first post with the viral video was taken on 2 October 2020 with the caption “Whiskey+Wine+Beer = disaster. My friend does not know how to stop me. This is the BBQ restaurant in front of my village. My friend drove me home and took the videos instead of stopping me”. Yutthaphum went to return the dog but was informed it was the only stray dog there, it regularly came to hang out with other dogs at the restaurant. When Yutthaphum heard this he decided to keep the dog. It is unclear whether the dog will help protect the home or play with robbers as she is very friendly. 



FB Caption: The drunk man ended up adopting the dog. 


Source: Sanook, Spring News, Facebook User: Yutthaphum Kaewkhem
