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Dusit Poll reveals 10 good things during Covid-19.

Dusit Poll from Suan Dusit University published a poll named “10 happy things during Covid-19”. Thailand and the world are still facing the current Covid-19 situation along with other issues related to politics, the economy, society, and private problems. Stress is high as usual and most people have adapted to the new normal lifestyle. A good solution is to change the way you think to get through the current times along with building happiness with what we have. The Suan Dusit University conducted an online poll with 1,136 participants throughout 15-22 January 2021.


Credit: Post Today


No.1 at 86.92%- Having more alone time, with opportunities to do things that they wanted to.
No.2 at 75.22%- Getting to spend time with family, making food at home.
No.3 at 56.10%- Not having to wake up early in the morning.
No.4 at 29.81%- Exercise, taking care of personal health.
No.5 at 13.46%- Developing online skills with a better understanding of technology.
No.6 at 13.08%- Still having a job, not unemployed.
No.7 at 10.44%- Less traffic resulting in more convenient travel.
No.8 at 8.18%- Thailand medical personnel are doing a good job.
No.9 at 5.03%- Getting to see more people work together, good Thai sharing culture.
No.10 at 1.89%- Nature has had a chance to rest, helping to restore nature.
Each participant can provide more than 1 happy reason they have noticed during the pandemic.


Credit: IQ News Clip


Pornpan Buathong a researcher at Dusit Poll stated that the poll proves the people can still find happiness even during the pandemic. This is especially in terms of time, people have more time for themselves and for their families. Time has given the opportunity for people to do what they never had a chance to complete before. Many have a better understanding of technology and the online world. People have further developed themselves thanks to Covid-19. Paisarn Kongsathitsathaporn from the Dusit Poll stated that among bad times there are always good things that come along. Changing the way you think or embracing positivity is important. Try not to focus on the problems but also the opportunities that are born from those issues. Covid-19 has affected everyone in the world, the problem and stress that comes with it can be felt and understood.


FB Caption: 86.92% are happy with having more alone time and opportunities to do what they have always wanted to do.


Source: Suan Dusit Poll
