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Gas tank thief working in day time around Chatuchak District.

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Restaurants in Chatuchak District, Bangkok City have been complaining about a thief that has been going around stealing gas tanks during the day time. Ployrung is a restaurant owner in Ratchadapisek 36, Chatuchak District. She reported to the INN News team about a thief that stole a gas tank from her restaurant.


The incident took place on the 18th of this month around 1 pm. The thief was captured on the security camera. He is a male between 35 to 40 years old and uses the bike to steal the gas tanks. At first, he drove his motorbike and parked it in front of Ployrung’s restaurant. He walked around the area and was even chatting around with other people. He then took the gas tank and moved it onto his motorbike before driving away.


The gas tank is worth around 1,800 THB. Because the thief walked around talking to other people in the area, they thought he was sent to change the gas tank and didn’t suspect anything strange about the man’s behavior. He definitely is a natural at stealing gas tanks.


Then around 5 pm, Ployrung came back from shopping for her restaurant. While she was preparing to open her restaurant for the day she realized that her gas tank was gone. She went to ask the people around her restaurant and heard about the friendly thief. Ployrung then went to report the incident to the police and asked to see the footage from the security camera.


Credit: INN News


The police admitted that there are other restaurants in the area that have faced similar incidents. Other restaurants and food vendors around the area are advised to keep a close watch on their gas tanks. The reason that gas tanks are popular amongst thieves is that they are easy to sell at second-hand stores. Officers from the local Police Station are working with the footage to hunt the thief down before he gets the chance to steal more gas tanks.


FB Caption: The police also admitted that there are other restaurants in the area that have faced similar incidents


Source: INN News
