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Homeowner finds giant Monitor Lizard napping on his sofa.

A Homeowner in Suksawat 26, Bangkok returned home to find a giant monitor lizard having a peaceful nap on his sofa in the living room. The lizard was using the sofa as a bed and the armrest as a pillow, it looked peaceful and was totally relaxed, even after the owner returned home the lizard simply looked at him and continued walking around the house as if it belonged to the lizard.


Credit: Kapook


On the 16th of this month (August 2019), A Thai Morning News show aired a story about a giant monitor lizard that went into a man’s home and used his sofa as a comfortable bed. When the homeowner first saw the lizard, it was so big that he thought it was a crocodile. After the lizard saw the man, it climbed off his sofa and walked around the house calmly, like it was taking a tour around the property. The monitor lizard was later returned to nature by the local rescue team.


Credit: Kapook


The monitor lizard is often linked to luck in Thailand, specifically if a lizard shows up in a car or in a home the car license no. and home address no. becomes a popular big selling number for citizens in the area, both in terms of the government lottery and underground lottery. This might be linked to the fact that the monitor lizard is called “Silver and Gold Creature” in Thai, the meaning is definitely a sign of good luck and wealth.


Credit: Kapook


Recent news was a 3-meter monitor lizard that went to hide under a woman’s car. Her license no. was 2289, and in a big surprise the latest Thai Government Lottery on 16 August 2019 the number 89 is the Two-Digit Suffix with a win of 2,000 THB per lottery ticket. It is no doubt that many will be purchasing the address no. of the house in this story with hopes to win the That Lottery.


FB Caption: The lizard was using the sofa as a bed and the armrest as a pillow, it looked peaceful and was totally relaxed.


Source: Kapook, เรื่องเล่าเช้านี้
