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Lost monkey came to take a tour in local Uthai Thani school

A lost monkey escaped from its owner to a school in Uthai Thani province. The teachers were afraid that the monkey would attract a student at the school. The school contacted a local rescue team to come and catch the monkey, but the monkey realized right away what was happening so he ran up high on a tree.


Credit: Workpoint News


This incident took place on the 1st of this month when the Uthai Thani rescue team along with local livestock officers traveled to Manee Sathit Pittha Tharam Temple School in the main city of Uthai Thani to catch a monkey that was running around the school. It was later found out that the monkey belonged to a man that lived behind the temple.


The monkey is a male monkey that belonged to a man who sold pork barbeque behind the temple in the morning. Although his monkey was running around in the school, he didn’t come to try and catch it at the temple.


Credit: Workpoint News


The monkey ran towards a group of students and parents in the morning, the teacher was afraid that the monkey would attack a student so she screamed at it, the monkey got scared and changed it’s direction and kept running around the school.


Credit: Workpoint News


The rescue team and the officials prepared a cable car along with milk mixed with a sedative and some animal anesthesia darts. The monkey saw what they were trying to do and ran up to the third floor of the school building. After a while, it jumped to a tall tree and kept running around, this made it very hard to catch the monkey as it kept constantly moving.


FB Caption: The male monkey kept running around the school, making it very hard for the rescue team to catch it, even with anesthesia darts and a cable car.


Source: Workpoint News
