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Lottery thief stealing from the blind, now arrested.

A lottery thief has been arrested after stealing from the blind. The suspect has admitted she has committed similar thefts in many areas. Police Lieutenant General Girapat Jare traveled to the Sutthisan Police Station to interrogate Sumali Muangpluem 57-year-old wanted by an arrest warrant issued by the Bangkok North Municipal Court. The suspect stole Government lottery tickets from Thewa Panase a lottery seller who is blind. The theft took place in the underground train Sutthisan Station between 25-27 November 2020.


Credit: INN News


Sutthisan police and related officials collected evidence of theft committed in many districts. The evidence was then handed to the court leading to the arrest warrant. The different police stations all helped in the investigation. The suspect would approach blind lottery sellers and hold several tickets in her left hand. She then would use the right hand pretending she was choosing a ticket. She would pull them off all at once so that the lottery seller will only hear one sound. She would then hand some tickets to the seller while she hides the rest, mainly so others will not notice. The suspect will place the tickets in her bag and talk to the seller at the same time as a distraction.


Credit: INN News


The suspect then tells the seller she will come back to get the tickets before leaving some money for a deposit. The same method is used with normal lottery sellers also. Thewa one of the victims stated he always kept in contact with the police station as the same woman continued to steal lottery tickets from other blind sellers. He feared the suspect would hurt him because he filed a police report. He also did not like hearing about other blind sellers being taken advantage of. As soon as he heard of the arrest Thewa was relieved and can return back to his usual life. Sumali has stolen lottery tickets in Victory Monument, Bang Na, and Payathai. She has stolen about 450 tickets valued at over 45,000 THB.


Credit: INN News


FB Caption: Sumali would target blind lottery ticket sellers. She has stolen about 450 lottery tickets worth 45,000 THB.


Source: INN News
