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Pingpong, the dog that saved a newborn’s life.

Credit: Workpoint News

A Thai dog named “Pingpong” saved a newborn’s life on the 15th of this month. Pingpong has now become the hero of the village when he alerted his owner of a newborn that attempted to be buried alive by the mother.


Pingpong lives in Chum Puang District in Nakhon Ratchasima province. Pingpong is a black Thai dog and is currently 6 years old. Pingpong’s owner named Usa Nisaika 41 years old stated that he was looking after his cows that were taking a walk near the Cassava farm. He heard Pingpong barking so he followed the voice to see what Pingpong was up to.


When Usa went closer he realized there was a baby crying inside the Cassava farm. Pingpong was furiously trying to dig the dirt, suddenly Usa saw a baby’s leg come out of the dirt. He then quickly helped Pingpong dig out the dirt and discovered a baby that was luckily still alive. Usa took the baby to the Chumpuang Hospital right away.



The Chumpuang Hospital received a baby boy weighing 2,400 grams. The boy was rushed to the hospital on the 15th of this month from a villager named Usa. Usa reported to the hospital that the baby was discovered in the Cassava farm where he was taking his cows for a walk, about 1 kilometer away from his village.


Usa told the Workpoint News team that Pingpong has been his pet for 6 years. Last year Pingpong was hit by a car and became a disabled dog as one of his legs wouldn’t work anymore. Pingpong is a good boy who always listened to his owner and was friendly to the other villagers. It was common for Pingpong to take a walk with Usa while he looked after the cows.


Credit: Workpoint News


Although Pingpong’s leg doesn’t work like they used to he still follows Usa with the cows. It is unbelievable how Pingpong’s curiosity and good heart led to a baby’s survival. Pingpong has become the hero of Chumpuang district love and admired by the locals.


FB Caption: Pingpong saved a baby that was buried alive by the mother in a cassava farm.


Source: Workpoint News
