Policeman falls through roof in Phitsanulok
A policeman from the Wang Nam Koo in the city of Phitsanulok Province fell through the roof after he climbed on top of the building to change the national flag and to rearrange other flags. The officer made a mistake when he took the wrong step and fell through the roof, he ended up with 8 stitches. The video of the incident went viral through Thai social media showing the moment when an officer fell through the roof and landed on stairs in front of the police station. The officer is Police Senior Sergeant Major Wichayut Srikrajang. He ended up with 8 stitches on his head and a rib fracture.

The security camera at the police station recorded the incident and the footage was then shared online. Other officers nearby ran in to help and called the local rescue team. The rescue team then delivered the officer to the Naresuan University Hospital. The injured is now safe and on his way to recovery. The Sanook News Team went to the Wang Nam Koo Police Station on 7 June 2020 to ask about the incident. Officials stated that this happened last month but it had recently been shared on the internet. The officer was arranging the flags and made a mistake that caused the accident. On the date of the incident, it had just rained and the flags weren’t arranged properly due to strong winds and the rain. The roof was very slippery, he took the wrong step and the accident happened.

The officer was admitted to the hospital for a few days until he started to recover. Doctors have allowed him to return home with his wife helping the officer to get better. Pol.Sen.Sgt.Maj. Wichayut stated that the rain messed up the flags and he wanted to fix them. He took the wrong step, slipped, and fell on the roof. The roof then broke down where he fell through the ceiling onto the ground below. He only remembers slipping but it was all a blur afterward.
FB Caption: Viral video shows a policeman falling through the roof onto the stairs below.
Source: Sanook