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Social media raves about cab-hailing policeman

A HIT on social media is a video clip showing taxi drivers not stopping to pick up waiting  passengers at Udomsuk BTS station which led to an exasperated policeman himself hailing cabs for them, INN News reported today (Nov. 7).

This video clip highlights the problem of cabbies not picking passengers which is visible on the streets every day and even though they are punished, being fined and sent for discipline training, the behavior of some drivers has not changed.

The passenger who posted the clip, @Scuba Darling Hudoodu, said:

“Really like the traffic policeman at Udomsuk station, he watched for a while and in his hand was a traffic light remote control but nevertheless he personally hailed taxis for people waiting for a cab and not getting one … he called cabs for all of us.”


Top: Left: The policeman at Udomsuk station hailing a cab for waiting passengers while at right a passenger gets into a cab forced to take her to her destination. Photos: INN News

