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Songkran on Khaosan Road with over 40,000 visitors on the last day.

Songkran on Khaosan Road this year was a great success. Over 40,000 people joined on the last day. Officials help organize and stand by for safety throughout all 3 days. Police Colonel Sanong Sangmanee from the Chana Songkhram Police Station gave updates on the Songkran celebration on Khaosan Road this year. The celebration has been a great success starting on the 13th. The next day, on the 14th there was a change in the walking pathway to help guide visitors and manage the foot traffic. The pathway will only be one way in a circle to help distribute the number of people. 



The new plan allowed more people on the road and increased security. It also allows faster and safer exits. Officials reveal there are fights that are mainly between teenage groups but officials have managed to stop the fights in time. Fights are expected because there are a lot of people and there is drinking. The water wars itself can cause accidents and misunderstandings between persons or groups. The 15th is the last day for the Songkran celebration on Khaosan Road and it is a busy day. Officials believe there will be at least 40,000 visitors joining in the water wars, all in one day. 



Both locals and tourists join Songkran celebrations on Khaosan Road every year. Although this year is the first year since Covid-19 restrictions. Visitors can splash each other with water freely without the fear of the virus. The road gets very crowded after 17.00 till night. Police have placed hundreds of officers around the area and throughout the crowd. This is to increase security and officers are also on standby for any accidents and fights that took place. They also want to make sure tourists have a good impression of Thailand. 



Credit: Khaosod


FB Caption: Locals and tourists join in the water wars for Songkran on Khaosan Road 2023. 


Source: Khaosod 
