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The smiling buffalo was stolen and now found.

A smiling buffalo became famous in Thailand a few years back. The buffalo was stolen and Klao the owner went looking for the buffalo. Luckily the buffalo was found in a different district after someone had already purchased it from the thief. Surat Paewket known as Klao 37-year-old filed a report with the police in Chai Nat Province on 16 May 2021. He also had security footage showing a suspicious blue truck with a buffalo in the back. Klao then started searching for his buffalo in Chai Nat District and Uthai Thani District along with asking netizens to send in information if they spotted a buffalo.


Credit: Sanook


Finally on 18 May 2021 at 12.00 Klao found his buffalo. Officials found Thong Kam which translates to gold in English at Hunka, Chai Nat District. Klao went to the location right away and found Thong Kam standing under a tree in the shade. Klao gave the buffalo a big hug after believing it was lost forever. Thong Kam was sold to a buyer for 60,000 THB. The buyer raises buffalos for a living and had a farm across from where it was found. The suspect informed the buyer that it was his own buffalo from Wat Sing District. He wanted to sell it because Thong Kam did not get along with his other buffalos.


Credit: Sanook


The buyer didn’t suspect anything and purchased the buffalo. Officials are inspecting whether the buyer is guilty of purchasing stolen goods. The suspect has not been found but police are working on getting an arrest warrant and have no doubt they will find him soon. Klao stated that he could not sleep or eat after Thong Kam went missing. He never stopped looking and left home at 1 am on the 18th to start searching for the buffalo. He feels bright and well rested after seeing Thong Kam again. Klao promises to rebuild the gate so that no one can steal his best friend again.


Credit: Sanook


FB Caption: The buyer didn’t suspect anything and purchased the smiling buffalo for 60,000 THB.


Source: Sanook
