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TikTok to set a 60-minute screen time limit for those below 18.

TikTok will be implementing a new function that limits screen time for those below 18 years old to 60 minutes a day. The video social media platform is aiming to play a more positive role in the lives of its users. The daily time limit can be extended and is a default setting for those under 18 years old targeting teens and children. More parental tools will be added to help regulate social media use to reduce its negative effects. Social media helps bring entertainment to our life mainly through handheld devices. Although fun and used to share life stories with friends, families, and the world, it has been shown to have key side effects. 



Social media has a heavy influence on teens. It often creates the desire to be perfect or unique and disrupts self-development. Overuse or misuse of social media can disrupt your sleep schedule, exposure to online bullying, and more. According to Mayo Clinic, teens aged 12-15 have a higher risk for mental health issues when on social media for more than 3 hours a day. TikTok reached the conclusion of the 60-minute time frame after consulting with Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital. The app will require a passcode for another 30-minute time period. Those aged below 13 must have their parents set a passcode to extend for another 30 minutes. 



Those aged above 13 can opt out of the 60-minute daily screen time and set their own time limit. This helps manage daily screen time and to remind teens to become more aware of their social media use. TikTok will also create a weekly recap of the total screen time. TikTok also has existing safety settings for users aged 13-15. These accounts are automatically set as private accounts. This is to protect young users against those with bad intentions and the option to direct message a user is available only to those aged 16 and above. To go live on the application you must be 18 and above, as live videos have no filter and options to delete comments before they display on the screen. 


Credit: Khaosod


FB Caption: Overuse or misuse of social media has a direct effect on your mental health. 


Source: TikTok, Khaosod, Mayoclinic
