– Thai Local News – Thai News

Woman dies after floods push pickup into canal

A WOMAN died in Krabi today (August 14) after the pickup truck she was driving on a  badly flooded road got pushed into a canal by strong currents, Thai News Agency said.

Over a hundred Krabi residents together with rescuers spent more than an hour pulling the pickup truck out of the canal in Khao Phanom district and upon getting it back on the ground found that the driver, Mrs Kanchana Chookham, 40, a resident of this district, had died.

It had rained heavily in this southern province popular with tourists for several hours with this triggering a strong forest runoff which led to this road being flooded as high as a meter for hundreds of meters.


Top: Krabi residents and rescuers pull the pickup truck out of the canal it had been swept into. Photo: Thai News Agency

