– Thai Local News – Thai News

Bank warns clients to beware of online scams

THE Government Savings Bank issued an urgent announcement on its Facebook page “GSB Society” this morning (Oct 8, 2018) warning clients to beware of conmen who are running an altered logo of the bank on their web pages to trick them into revealing their ID card numbers or passwords, the Thai-language daily Matichon reported.

The bank said that the altered logos were placed at these tricksters’ web pages and falsely either said that some of the clients had won big prizes or that there would soon be a lucky draw for some fabulous giveaways.

The gangsters then asked participants to either send their ID card number or their password so that the prizes they had won could be delivered  to them.

The bank confirmed it is not seeking such information from its clients and warned them against revealing their personal information to other people or on public web pages as they risk being scammed.


Top: Government  Savings Bank’s announcement warning its clients about a new con trick. Photo:  Matichon

