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Body Language 101: Communication Skill Training in Bangkok

For some people, excellent communication skills are something they are born with and accomplish effortlessly, both in their private and professional life. For others, it’s somewhat of a struggle, and they need to enrol in any communication skill training in Bangkok course to achieve their desired level of proficiency.

Why is good communication important? Because it’s one of the fundamental tools needed in everyday life, to successfully undertake a wide array of tasks. Good command of effective communication allows the speaker to effectively get their message across via their content, tone of voice, facial expressions and body language. Being clear in your conversation will help you get what you want and avoid any unnecessary miscommunication.

If you are someone who is looking to improve your relationship, in both the workplace and home, then you should enrol in communication skills training. Under the guidance of a skilled trainer, you will learn the correct steps towards self-improvement and development. In this article, we’ll look in detail at one key area: body language – to understand what it is and how you can use it to understand people better and communicate more effectively.

 Body Language 101

Body language (gestures, facial expressions, postures, etc.) is the #1 unspoken element of communication that everyone uses to reveal their genuine emotions and feelings. You can use this to your advantage in any situation once you know how to “read” the signs. On the one hand, proper interpretation of body languages can help the listener fully understand what someone is trying to say, and on the other hand, allows the recipient of the message to adjust their body language accordingly (i.e., be more positive, engaging, approachable, understanding, calm, and so forth).


In particular, being able to pick up on negative body language cues is very important; it will allow you to navigate a communicative situation more quickly. For example, if someone is talking to you with arms folded in front of their body; minimal or tense facial expressions; eyes downcast and/or little eye contact; or body turned away, know that they are unhappy, disinterested or uncomfortable.

Less severe signs of disinterest in what you have to say includes sitting slumped, head downcast, gazing off into space, fidgeting, playing with pen/phone, writing and doodling. Knowing how to recognise these signs allows an excellent communicator to re-engage the listener by asking them a direct question, inviting them to contribute or suggesting everyone take a break to re-energise.


On the flip side, there are ways to project a positive body language, and thus add strength to your message. Particularly useful for public speaking, job interviews, presentations, negotiations, appraisals and so on. You can make a good impression by having an open posture, using a firm handshake, maintain good eye contact, avoiding fidgeting and touching your face/hair, looking interested and relaxed, and using mirroring (subtly “mirror” some of the body language of the person you’re talking to build rapport).


As we discussed at the beginning of this article, body language refers to the diverse set of nonverbal signals humans use to communicate their feelings and intentions. However, as it includes things like posture, facial expressions and hand gestures, you must make allowances for cultural differences. What we’ve discussed won’t necessarily apply to everyone, particularly those of a different cultural background. For example, in the United States, a thumbs-up sign signals a confirmation, while in the Middle East, it is an offensive gesture. Tapping your nose in Italy means “watch out”, whereas over in the UK it’s a sign of “confidentiality”.

Your ability to understand and interpret body language can help you pick up on unspoken problems, issues and negative feelings in others and act on them quickly and decisively. You can use this superpower to turn a bad situation around and get a positive communication dialogue back on track. This skill does not come easily for everyone, that’s why enrolling in a communication skill training in Bangkok training course is such a good idea.


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