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Opposing Thai protestors meet in Washington DC

Opposing groups of Thai protestors meet in front of the Royal Thai Embassy in Washington DC, USA. Democracy activists gathered in front of the Thai Embassy after the Severe Emergency Decree was declared in Bangkok and the incident where police dispersed protestors on 15 October 2020. The group of Thais in Washington and nearby announced that a meeting will be taking place on 20 October 2020 with the intention to show support for protestors in Thailand. The group made political signs and showed speeches relating to the incident on the 15th. While the group was joining in activities, an opposing group of Thais traveled to the Embassy on motorbikes and an argument started. 


The opposing groups had heated arguments but there was no violence. Both groups ended up agreeing that each party should have their right to express the standpoints. A representative from the democracy activist group stated to VOA Thai that they are trying to express how they do not agree with what happened to protestors in Thailand. The representative stated “We don’t agree with how police dispersed the rally. The rally is asking that democracy be given to the Thai people. We also don’t agree with shutting down the media as we believe everyone in Thailand should be able to receive information from all channels without obstruction. It is the harshness that we cannot accept. We hope the government will listen to the people’s demands. This includes citizens, the youth, students, and all to hear what they are asking. 


Dusadee Bunlong a representative of the opposing group, revealed he did not agree with the protestors because some are trying to defame the Royal institution so he must come out to express his standing point to protect the institution. Dusadee stated “The institution is being pulled down, it is messing everything up. I just came to protect everyone’s feelings because there is a group that does not like the government but is also harming the institution. I don’t see the purpose in this. If you want to protest the government then find a solution for that point, but not pull down the institution. We just came to protect the institution, don’t touch the institution in which we grew up in and respect”. 



FB Caption: Democracy activists gathered in front of the Thai Embassy to show support for protestors in Thailand.


Source: Sanook, VOA Thai 
