RSV on the rise in Thailand especially among children.
The Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is spreading in Thailand especially among children in school. The “Infectious” Facebook page reported that there are currently more RSV cases in Thailand than Covid-19 cases. Many children in the country are infected with RSV and cases can be found in government hospitals, private hospitals, and clinics. The main symptoms are fever, coughing, and a runny nose. In severe cases, symptoms also include dyspnea which is when you get tired easily with shortness of breath and sounds when breathing. RSV can cause infections in the lungs and the respiratory system. Mayo Clinic reveals that the virus is actually so common most children have been infected with the virus before reaching 2 years old.

RSV tends to be more serious in children than in adults. Symptoms are usually mild and similar to the common cold but there are serious cases. In most cases, symptoms will go away with simple self-care. RSV is especially dangerous with a small group of individuals including premature babies, the elderly, infants, heart and lung disease patients, and those with weak immune systems. The Facebook page stated that RSV can be defined with the “3S” this includes swelling, secretion, and spasms. Swelling is for bronchitis that makes breathing difficult, some patients can breathe in but have a hard time breathing out. Children have to breathe rapidly using a lot of muscle power. Spasm is for the bronchi being sensitive. Secretion is for a lot of liquids in the bronchi that cause difficulty in breathing. Some cases require mucus suction and an endotracheal tube.
Highrisk groups include children under 5 years old, the younger you are the more risk there is, especially if it is a premature baby, or heart and lung disease patients. There is no vaccine for RSV and you can get infected again after the first recovery. The page recommends 5 precaution measures, 1. To avoid crowded areas or sick adults and children. If the child is developing symptoms then they should stay home or visit the doctor. 2. Get vaccines that can help prevent against other viruses including influenza (flu) vaccines and IPD vaccines. 3. To protect your body against the cold especially in the cold season. 4. Children with high risk must take extra precaution. 5. To frequently wash hands, practice social distancing, and other practices similar to Covid-19 safety measures.

FB Caption: Symptoms are usually mild and similar to the common cold but there are serious cases.
Source: Khaosod, Facebook Page: Infectious, Mayoclinic