Day 2 of New Year’s Holiday 74 dead and 576 injured in road accidents.
The second day of the New Year’s Holiday has claimed 74 lives from 586 road accidents. Supat Jumpathong from the Ministry of Education reported the latest statistics of road accidents during New Year’s Holiday 2021. The 2nd day of the long holiday comes in with 74 dead and a total of 576 injured persons from road accidents. This is also the second day of the “New Normal, Safe Driving, No Accidents” campaign to raise road safety awareness during the Covid-19 situation.
The main cause of road accidents is drinking and driving at 33.96%. The second place goes to fast driving at 33.45%. Drinking and driving is always the main cause of road accidents during all holidays in Thailand including Songkran Festival and New Years every year, the authorities have tried campaigning to remind drivers how important it is to not drink before you drive. But this comes as no surprise when drinking goes along with celebrations. The highest number of accidents are motorbike accidents at 82.03%. Most of these accidents occurred on straight roads at 66.38%. Approximately 40.61% took place on highways and 33.45% took place on village roads. Most of the accidents happened between 16.01-20.00 at 27.99%. Most dead and injured persons are over 50 years old at 29.38%.
There are 1,927 main checkpoints across the nation with 61,710 officials working during the second day of the long holiday. 351,923 were pulled aside on the road with 62,598 fined for breaking traffic laws. 19,102 persons did not wear helmets and a shocking number of 16,135 drivers did not have a driver’s license. The province with the highest number of accidents with the most dead and injured persons is Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The total number of road accidents during the first 2 days of New Year’s (29-30 December 2020) comes in at over 1,000 road accidents, 117 dead, and 1,014 injured.

FB Caption: The main cause of road accidents is drinking and driving at 33.96%
Source: Sanook