New homeowner finds ancient bronze artifacts in land.
A new homeowner named Lamduan Junka 56 years old in Ban Labueg Village located in the City of Surin Province discovered multiple pieces of ancient artifacts in his 2 Rai land. Lamduan stated that he and his wife purchased the land 3 years ago, but the house was completed only 7 months ago.

Ever Since he moved into the new home, every night he will hear people talking, but it is in a language that he does not understand. Lamduan would end up trying to see if there was anyone in his land, but it was always empty.
One day he ordered his son in law to go dig in the land to make a new pigpen. This is when they discovered many pieces of artifacts made from bronze hidden in the ground. There are over 15 pieces of artifacts discovered, with many small broken pieces. The villagers in the area later informed Lamduan that his land was a travel pathway in the past when people would travel by foot to the Sikhoraphum Castle (Castle on the Slope) in Surin Province.

After the discovery, Landuan moved the artifacts to higher ground as a sign of showing respect. He then told the spirits that if they wanted anything just come tell him in his dreams, don’t haunt the house.
Right at night on the same day, Landuan dreamed of a giant who was carrying the artifacts discovered. He screamed of fear, his wife woke him up and together they went to see a monk at the village temple in the morning. Villagers in the area are coming to see the artifacts with their own eyes and to also ask for luck, including the search for lucky numbers to buy in the next Thai Lottery.

When the artifacts were discovered, Lamduan and his family saw the numbers 56 and 88. His family and friends won the two-digit suffix prize.
FB Caption: For 7 months, every night Lamduan would hear people talking in a language he does not understand.
Source: Sanook