10 Thai minors sold to Chinese casino in Myanmar.
Relatives of one of the minors contacted the media asking for help after 10 Thai minors were sold to a Chinese casino operating in Myanmar. The family stated those in charge are demanding 90,000 THB in exchange for the return of their child. A group of relatives traveled to meet with news teams in Mae Sot District, Tak Province. The relatives want to ask for help from the public after 10 minors aged 16-19 years old were sold to a casino in Myanmar. Peng 76 years old and Jan 73 year old from the district stated their grandchild was contacted on 13 September 2021 by a group of brokers. The brokers invited a group of minors to join an admin job. Their main responsibilities would be to answer customers online for a casino in Myanmar and the pay would be 24,000 THB per month.
Then when the group arrived they were sold to a Chinese casino and forced to sign a contract all in Chinese, a language they didn’t understand. Paradon, a mother of one of the minors stated they started working right after arriving in the country. Since the first day of the job nothing has been as the brokers promised. Her child and friends are working overtime everyday with almost no rest at all. Their job is related to scams inviting Thai people to invest in online currency claiming that it is Bitcoin investment. The minors have been trapped inside the casino, they are not allowed to leave the area. Those responsible have also taken their money claiming that it is for the travel fees.
The minors who have managed to contact family members stated the cameras on their phones have been smashed. The men in charge state that in order to go home, each minor must hand in 90,000 THB. The families admit that they have no money, which is why the minors had to try and find job opportunities in the first place. Jan, a grandmother, has been praying for her grandchild to come home safely. Jan has been the caretaker for the child ever since he was a baby. This is the first time he was allowed to work with hopes of receiving 24,000 THB per month.

FB Caption: The group of minors are forced to scam other Thais in a bitcoin investment opportunity.
Source: Sanook