700 pharmacies in Thailand help care for Covid-19 patients.
Over 700 pharmacies in Thailand help care for Covid-19 patients including advice and medicine. Doctor Jadej Thamrajtachari from the National Health Security Office (NHSO) reported on 6 April 2022 on the latest news related to Covid-19. NHSO is now working with pharmacies across the nation to help care for Covid-19 cases that are mild. These patients are considered as green cases and care is concepted as “Find Help End”. Those who develop more severe symptoms will enter the medical care system at hospitals and field hospitals. The patients will become outpatient with self isolation (OPSI).
The NHSO has invited pharmacies to help care for green Covid-19 patients and to make medicine available for all. Those who received positive results using ATK tests with little to no symptoms can receive care from these pharmacies. Those with a Thai health card can go to these pharmacies with the sign on the door to receive care for free. The pharmacies will receive 700 THB per patient. The cost will cover 1. Advice for self isolation, 2. Medicine for Covid-19, 3. Advice on how to use the medicine and care 48 hours after testing positive, and 4. A referral system to cases that need to be referred to the hospital.
The doctor stated that green Covid-19 cases can result in hospitals getting too busy. These pharmacies will be helping patients recover with the proper care and medication. These cases must have little to no symptoms, are under 60 years old, not pregnant, not currently sick, and other high risk factors. The patients can call or travel to the pharmacies and scan the QR code to check their profile with NHSO. They will receive medicine according to their symptoms and advice as required. The pharmacies will keep track of patients for 48 hours and if symptoms worsen they will refer the cases to doctors.

FB Caption: These pharmacies will help patients recover with the proper care and medication.
Source: Khaosod