Covid-19 patient visited Bar host in Chiangmai after developing symptoms.
The latest Covid-19 patient in Thailand visited a bar host even after she started developing symptoms. The 29-year-old was confirmed positive in Chiangmai on 26 November 2020. She traveled illegally into Thailand from the border through natural passageways into Chiang Rai Province then later went to Chiang Mai. The woman went to a shopping mall, lives in a condo, visited a shopping mall, and visited a bar host. A bar host in Thailand is where you can go to have fun with men who work there. She started developing symptoms and decided to visit the doctor. The investigation has revealed there are over 300 high-risk persons who have come in contact with the patient.

Officials went to inspect the bar host along with disinfecting the area on the 28th. The patient visited the bar host on the 24th and left on the 25th. The bar host is now temporarily shut down. Kan 26-year-old lives near the bar host and is also a customer who stated he recently visited the bar host and is shocked by the news. Kan worries that it is highly possible the woman could’ve spread the virus. The business is small with a lot of people inside, there are 50 men working inside not including customers. The bar host is very popular with both female and male customers visiting the business every day.
Kan reveals there is a lot of skin touching between customers and employees. No one wears masks inside and there is no social distancing so there is a high risk from the incident. The business opens and at night and closes in the morning with a lot of customers every day. Central Festival Chiangmai where the patient visited closed down on the 28th for a big cleaning day. Doctor Opat Karnkavinpong from the Department of Disease Control and other related officials reported on the 28th details of the case. The patient traveled to Myanmar on 24 October – 23 November 2020.

On the 23rd she started developing symptoms including fever, diarrhea, and loss of smell. On the 24th she traveled into Chiang Rai and into Chiang Mai on public buses. Before testing positive she called a vehicle on Grab 6 times. She also admitted to sharing a cigarette with a friend, shared drinks, went to eat at the mall, and watched a movie at the cinema. Security cameras revealed she wore a mask but not all the time.
FB Caption: A bar host in Thailand is where you can go to have fun with men who work there.
Source: Sanook, Kaosod