Constitutional Court orders dissolution of Thai Raksa Chart party
The Constitutional court ruled on the 7th of this month on Thai Raksa Chart for the dissolution of the party. The main reasoning behind the court judgment is the nomination of Princess Ubolratana as the main candidate for the party running to be prime minister on the 8th of February. Although the news didn’t remain true for long when it was announced on the same day that such nomination is against the election law of Thailand.

The court’s decision was unanimous with 6 to 3 to also order a ban to 14 executives of Thai Raksa Chart party to not participate in any election runs, setting up a new party, and standing in an executive position for any other parties for a period of 10 years.
Lt Preechapol Pongpanich the leader of Thai Raksa Chart party stated after the court ruling with shaken vocals that he highly respects the Thai Royal Family and the decision of the Constitutional Court. But, he is very sad that the party will not be able to participate in the upcoming election on the 24th of March, taking place in less than 20 days.
Lt Preechapol can be seen with tears in his eyes that represent the sadness and also as a representation of how all members of the party must be feeling as he thanked the public for the support in the past 4 months, towards the Thai Raksa Chart party. The party had good intentions with their actions as they wanted to see the nation take positive steps forward.

Lastly, he states that although the party has not reached its goals, there are still many issues with the nation and that those who are left standing will have to continue their journey.
FB Caption: Lt Preechapol Pongpanich the leader of Thai Raksa Chart party can be seen after the court ruling with shaken vocals and tears in his eyes.
Source: Bangkok Post, Sanook