Dead monkeys in water tank due to thirst in Songkhla
Dead monkeys were found in a water tank, the monkeys must have been thirsty and jumped into the 3-meter tank and ended up trapped. This incident took place on top of the Khao Tung Kuan Hill in Songkhla Province near the Laem Samila Beach on 4 June 2020. A group of Long-tailed Macaques was floating in the water. Both tanks had no covers so the monkeys were taken over by thirst that eventually ended their lives.
Somsak Tuntisaenee the Mayor of Songkhla, and veterinarian Dr. Kittikorn Jenpaibun from the Songkhla Department of Livestock along with other officials went to inspect the area. Officials found 2 water tanks, a round tank, and a square tank. Inside the round tank was 15 dead monkeys floating in the water. The square tank had no dead monkeys. Officials started removing the monkeys from the water right away as the smell of death was floating through the hill. The monkeys were buried in a forest on the Tung Kuan Hill.
The Mayor stated that the monkeys must’ve jumped into the tank with hopes to find water. It hadn’t been raining and the monkeys were thirsty. The area has no natural water sources so the monkeys jumped in the tank and died. When both tanks were built they were covered, but someone had stolen both covers, leaving a dangerous opening for the monkeys. The municipality will build a concrete cover with a steel top to prevent any theft and to also prevent the monkeys from getting into the water tank again.

The Mayor also gave more information stating that these monkeys live in the Khao Tung Kuan Hill and Khao Noi located across. There are about 4,000 monkeys separated into 5 main groups. Villagers regularly feed the monkeys at locations where it is allowed to do so. The monkeys that died live around the Sala Phra Wihan Daeng, approximately 3 kilometers from where the water tanks are located. Hopefully, the villagers will also provide water for monkeys during the drought.
FB Caption: 15 monkeys were floating in the water tank on Khao Tung Kuan Hill.
Source: Khaosod