Khlong Saen Saep Express boat closed for Songkran
Krobkrua Konsong (Family transportation) company announced on the 5th of this month that the Khlong Saen Saep Express boats will be closed down for the upcoming Songkran Holidays. Boat drivers will be taking a 4 day holiday to join the nationwide celebration of Songkran festival from the 13th to the 16th of this month.
The Khlong Saen Saep Express boat will open for business again on the 17th of this month for passengers who live in Bangkok or those who have already returned to Bangkok. The company reported that they usually do this every year for the boat drivers to take a holiday with their families. Another main reason is that even if they remain open, very few passengers come to use the boat services in Khlong Saen Saep compared to normal days.
Many companies and private officers working for the government will be taking a holiday in the Songkran festival coming up, most people who live in Bangkok will travel back to their hometown in order to visit and spend time with their loved ones back home. The company also supports Thai culture and wants it’s boat drivers and staff to have the opportunity to travel home outside of Bangkok.

The Khlong Saen Saep Express boats will open again on the 17th of this month, where they expect most Bangkokians will have already returned to Bangkok for work. Normally, the express boats on Khlong Saen Saep have an average of 60,000 customers per day.
There are also plans to improve and renew the boat piers located in the Khlong Saen Saep. The main purpose is for the piers to be safe in supporting many passengers waiting for the boats every day. Each pier is expected to become at least 30 to 70 meters wide from the normal average of 15 meters wide piers. This will hopefully allow up to 2 boats to park at the pier better transportation services to the customers, especially in during peak hours.

FB Caption: The Khlong Saen Saep Expressway will be closed from the 13th to the 16th of this month and will be welcoming passengers again on the 17th.
Source: Workpoint News