Man stole from wife and boss, for online mistress.
A man stole money from his wife and boss for an online mistress he has never met. The man has now filed a report with the police claiming he has fallen for a scam. As a result of his actions the man is left with no money and kicked out of his home by his wife. Thong 35-year-old, employee at a clothing store in Buriram Province visited the Nang Rong Police Station. The man brought evidence of the chats and Facebook profile of the online mistress. The mistress is Fah 25 year old who contacted Thong claiming she was having financial problems to the point that there was no food.
Thong fell for her beautiful profile picture and sad stories. Fah claimed her parents are both dead. She went to live with a relative but was abused so she had to find her own way. The first transaction was only 200 THB but her cries for help continued. She has also asked money to help with medical bills claiming she caught Covid-19. In the latest story Fah claimed she was about to sell a piece of land but had no travel expense money and the fees associated with selling the land. After selling the land Fah promised to share the profits with Thong. Thong fully believed he was going to receive all his money back and transferred funds multiple times. His savings were all used up.
As a solution, Thong stole money from his wife and his boss at the clothing store. He has been talking to the mistress for about 1 year and has transferred her almost 300,000 THB. They have never met. Thong fell in love with her profile picture and phone calls they shared throughout the period. Thong had asked to video call before but Fah claimed her phone’s camera was broken and Thong just brushed it off. The boss now knows of his actions and fired Thong. His wife kicked Thong out of her home but felt sorry and is letting him stay with her. Fah later contacted asking for 20,000 THB in exchange for the truth. The woman states the profile picture is fake and she is actually 45 years old.

FB Caption: The mistress stated to Thong that she is actually 45 years old and the profile pictures are fake.
Source: Khaosod