Karaoke bar shut down in Chiang Mai, girls under 18 found.

A karaoke bar has been shut down in Chiang Mai Province. There are girls below 18 working inside selling drinks to customers. The bar has also been providing sexual services to customers. Officials from the Ministry of Labour and related officials inspected a karaoke bar in the main city of Chiang Mai Province on 27 March 2023. The bar has been hiring girls under 18 to sell drinks and prostitution. Officials received reports of a karaoke bar engaging in illegal services. The activities are related to human trafficking. 



Officials found an underage girl working inside the bar. The owners were arrested on the spot. Rattikan 39 years old and Sunisa 44 years old, both female were arrested. The owners are facing charges relating to human trafficking and more. Both owners admitted that the girls have been providing sexual services to customers. The bar charges 200 THB per hour for the services. The bar keeps 80 THB and pays the girls 120 THB for every hour charged. The suspects also admitted that the business remains open after the legal time. The bar opens from 7 pm to 4 am. The karaoke shop is now closed down and hopefully, the investigation will lead to more similar businesses connected to human trafficking. 



The Global Slavery Index of 2018 reported more than 600,000 human trafficking victims in Thailand. The Exodus Road published an article on Human Trafficking in Thailand and revealed that there are mainly two forms of human trafficking in Thailand. This is forced labor and sexual exploitation. Officials are doing what they can to target the issue but it remains alive. Sexual exploitation of children exists. This includes children both male and female. By closing down businesses that play a part in the exploitation they are helping more human trafficking victims to get out. 


Credit: Khaosod


FB Caption: The Global Slavery Index of 2018 reported there are more than 600,000 human trafficking victims in Thailand.


Source: Khaosod, The Exodus Road
