30 households in Phang Nga have had no water for over a month.
Over 30 households in Bang Sak village, Ta Kua Pa district in Phang Nga province have had no water to use for over a month. The villagers have notified officials in the area but have been told that the officials are busy with other meetings. Villagers have had no choice but to buy water trucks to survive at the price of 250 THB per truck.

The Workpoint News team reported that the water reservoir in the Bang Sak Village has dried up as the dry season came faster than last year due to the lack of rain for months. The water reservoir is the main water source for more than 30 households in the village. The water from the reservoir is used for daily activities, growing vegetables, and to consume.
There are some parts of the water reservoir where the ground has become visible. The little remaining water has turned into cloudy water due to poor water conservation methods. The villagers need help from the local government in the area during the dry season.
The past few years, when the dry season arrives in the village, villagers have to search for other methods of finding enough water for their households. The water trucks are a very expensive cost for villagers which should not be the case as water is a life necessity that all citizens should have equal access to.

Villagers have filed documents asking for help from the officials responsible for the area but silence still remains. Somsri Somjai a villager reported that she has been buying water from a water truck at the price of 250 THB for over a month. She wishes that the local authorities could at least bring water trucks in for the villagers if the water reservoir is empty.
FB Caption: The villagers have notified officials in the area but have been told that the officials are busy with other meetings. Villagers have had no choice but to buy water trucks to survive at the price of 250 THB per truck.
Source: Workpoint News