Driver pushed 92 year old to the ground.
A Facebook User named Yod Torjeen has posted security footage that shows a 92-year-old grandpa being pushed to the ground on 16 April 2020. The store by the road had a security camera that captured everything, the driver has given himself up to the police. This incident took place in Bang Nam Preaw District, Chachoengsao Province. The suspect parked his truck in the middle of the road, grandpa had his car parked by the road and couldn’t back out. Grandpa came out of his car to talk to the truck driver.

The truck driver walked towards the grandpa and they started to talk, things got heated. The truck driver pushed the grandpa right in front of the truck and the grandpa fell hard onto the road below. The truck driver got back into his car and drove away, not once checking to see if the grandpa was ok. A relative of the grandpa saw that he was laying on the ground and crossed the road to come help. The local rescue team was notified of the accident and delivered grandpa to the hospital. The grandpa is currently in critical condition unconscious from a brain hemorrhage.
The suspect Manat known as Bank 28 years old has given himself at the Bang Nam Preaw Police Station on 17 April 2020 at 12.30. History shows that Bank has a bad temper and had previously gone to prison after burning down his father’s cottage, it has only been a little over a month since Bank gained back his freedom. Bank’s father is a police officer and states that Bank should be prosecuted according to the law.

The suspect has admitted to the crime and stated that Bancha the 92-year-old grandpa drove into his truck. Bank pulled out the victim’s car keys from his hand and shouted at Bancha. He couldn’t control his anger and pushed Bancha onto the ground. Bank’s father went to visit grandpa Bancha right after the incident took place at the hospital. The father wants to take care of all medical fees and wishes that his son will be punished for what he has done.
FB Caption: Bank stated that he couldn’t control his anger and pushed the grandpa. He had just left prison after burning down a cottage belonging to his father who is a police officer.
Source: Sanook, Facebook User: Yod Torjeen