The people are excited after malls and restaurants reopen.
The people are excited after malls and restaurants reopen. 1 September 2021 is the first day that malls will reopen to the public and persons are allowed to dine inside restaurants once again. The INN News Team went to explore a food court in Ratchada area, Bangkok. The food court has reopened with strict safety measures such as social distance seating and all areas are disinfected frequently. The customers are also following measures carefully to limit the spread of Covid-19. All persons inside the food court are wearing masks and many are seen using hand sanitizers. The Team visited restaurants in the area during lunchtime to find that they were doing well. The people have started returning to dine inside while some still choose to take home their meals. There are restaurants who still choose to sell food that is taken home only.

The team also visited a big mall in Rama 9 Bangkok that has reopened from 11.00 – 20.00. There were people waiting to enter the mall before the doors were even open. Restaurants located inside malls and those with air conditioners are allowed to have customers at a capacity of 50%. All customers entering the mall must measure their temperatures and those with a fever will not be allowed inside. All stores inside the mall have prepared for the reopening with employees writing inside. Most restaurants had customers dining inside. The news team interviewed some employees who stated the stores have very strict safety measures regarding Covid-19. Most of the employees have received both doses of the Vaccine and have received Covid-19 tests before coming in for work.
Kadech Piriyapongpairot an employee at The Beautiy Art Store stated he is happy the government has allowed malls to reopen. In the past 2 months he did not have any income. The store he works in has 6 employees and they came in to prepare the store for reopening. Only customers with appointments will be allowed inside. Each customer is also allowed to stay inside the store for an hour. The mall has asked all employees to receive the Covid-19 vaccine and to take the test before coming in for work on the first day of reopening. Employees who follow this rule will receive a pin to help provide comfort to customers.

FB Caption: People waited to enter the mall before the doors were even open.
Source: INN News