Abbot complains on FB after receiving less than 1M in donations.

An abbot made a post on his personal Facebook stating that he was very unhappy the temple received less than

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Monk throws Fake Bomb into neighbor’s home before running away.

A monk throws a bomb into the neighbor’s home before running away and continued his morning alms walk. Police lieutenant

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Fake monk arrested after ripping off taxi driver

A fake monk has been arrested after he ripped off 1,809 THB of the taxi fare from a taxi driver.

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Woman calls 191 over 50 times, but she’s been dead for 15 years.

A woman called 191 over 50 times and when the police investigated who the number belonged to, it turns out

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Monk arrested after prank call to 191 police of bomb in hotel.

A monk was arrested after giving false information to the police. The monk called the 191 emergency line and stated

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Man calls emergency line 5,000 times.

A man has been calling the emergency line for years, accounting for over 5,000 calls. When the operators answer the

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