Flooding in Chiang Rai Province.

Flooding has hit Mae Sai District in Chiang Rai province. The Sai River is overflowing caused by a tropical depression named Mulan. The water is flowing in from the Thailand-Myanmar Border. The flood started on 12 August 2022, which is also Thailand’s mother’s day. The deepest level of the flood is currently at 6 meters measured under the bridge in Sailomjoi Village. The local authorities are in the villages helping locals that are stuck inside the market and homes. The water has entered Mueng Dang Village. There are also areas in Myanmar that are facing the same problems. 



Volunteers and officials are doing their best to help villagers to safety. Over 2,000 homes are currently affected. Sandbags are being placed in residential areas in hopes of slowing down the water. This is so villagers can move their valuable belongings up to the second floor before water reaches. So far there have been no injuries and shops in the areas are working fast to move their products away from the water. There are currently 185 villages affected in 8 districts. Pasagorn Bunluk the Governor has stated that warnings were issued on the 11th to locals in the area. Officials prepared equipment and personals to help villagers effected. 



The village chiefs are working with the province to help those directly affected by the flood. The governor stated “We have to look at the overall picture. If its flooding in rice fields this is ok because we can help the farmers. In terms of residential areas we have issued warnings for villagers to move their belongings up to a higher area. Officials have been sent to affected areas to help slow down the water. We have heard news that there is heavy flooding in Myanmar and a wall has broke. This has caused even more water to move into Thailand”. 


Credit: Khaosod


FB Caption: Over 2,000 homes are affected in 8 districts. 


Source: Khaosod 
