Fraudster Arrested, claims connection to powerful people.
A fraudster has been arrested, he has stolen millions from victims and establishes trust by claiming to have close connections with people in the military and the government. The suspect was arrested in a temple and reveals that most of the money is spent on women. Police Major General Pakpong Phongpetra, Police Major General Ittipol Atchariyapradit, the Commissioner and the Deputy Commissioner gave orders to related officials to arrest Rachasak Butpornprasert also known as Noppadol Srino 50 years old from Lampang Province. Rachasak is wanted by arrest warrant no. 75/2562 issued by Ratchaburi Court on 15 May 2019.

The suspect was arrested at Wat Pet Thong Thong Temple in Ayutthaya Province on 8 May 2020. Rachasak has been informing others that he has a position in the government. Building Contractors handed over more than 2 Million THB as communication fees for fake government projects all made up by the suspect. One of the victims found out that such projects were all fake and filed a case against the suspect. Investigation police discovered that the suspect had plans to visit the Pet Thong Temple in Ayutthaya. Officials arrived and found the suspect who matched all the descriptions in the arrest warrant. He was arrested right away in the temple parking lot.
Rachasak admits that he is the person on the warrant and has previously arrested in another fraud case by the Pan Bong Police. After his first arrest, the suspect ran away and never showed up at the court. The suspect reveals that he has other members in his “team”. The members have fake cards that show their fake positions in the government. They then would advertise to victims about a large government project and were working on behalf of big names in the country.

The latest case took place in Pattani Province on a project to build a market and the building contractor paid 4 Million THB to the gang as communication fees. Rachasak then later informed the victim that such a project had been canceled by the military. The money is split between the members, Rachasak uses most of his share on gambling and women. He also has 3 other arrest warrants in his name with the Kanchanaburi Court, the Songkhla Court, and the Nakhon Sawan Court all on fraudulent cases.

FB Caption: Rachasak informed victims that he had close connections to big names in the government and the military.
Source: Khaosod